Recommended Dehumidifiers

This is a rather simple topic as I only recommend 2 different dehumidifiers. The first one is what I like to call my “Perfect Pick”. It is a very well rated dehumidifier that is perfect for basically all situations as it comes in different sizes.

I’ve also included a compact model for smaller applications. Either one will work great if you need to use them in more than one room. Take a good look at both, and choose the best one for you.

This energy star dehumidifier comes in a 1,500, 3,000, and 4,500 square foot capacity for any average home needs. It has sturdy wheels for moving it around, even when full and has a drain hose connection for automatic draining.

An excellent choice for keeping and large room in your home free of excessive humidity which can lead to mold and mildew problems. It does not come with a drain hose, but you can easily add one.

A quality product that does a great job, with long-lasting construction.

Available HERE on Amazon

A smaller solution for your smaller room, this mini dehumidifier is perfect for removing humidity from the small to mid-sized room in your home.

This dehumidifier is very well rated and extremely popular. It has been around for many years and has proven itself to be one of the leading compact-sized dehumidifiers available.

Very efficient and compact so you can use it almost anywhere.

Super quiet operation, with an automatic shut-off feature, to shut the unit down when the reservoir is full.

Available HERE on Amazon