You have a whole house water filter for your home, and your water has been nice and clear because of it. But your not quite sure when you should be changing the filter cartridge. You have changed it...
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You know that your water softener removes hard minerals from your water which makes your water more useful for day to day living, and your water comes out of your faucets crystal clear. But hard...
After living with hard water for many years, you are having a tough time getting used to the slippery feel of the softened water coming from your new water softener. What if you could make the water...
Having your water supplied by a municipal water company can have many benefits. You know that it is safe to drink because they treat it with chlorine to disinfect it. It is beneficial to your teeth...
Your family uses a lot of water! Between normal everyday use, the swimming pool, and friends coming over, that's a lot of water that needs to be treated. You have a water softener that uses salt and...
You are a pretty good Do-It-Yourselfer and you have been wanting to get a reverse osmosis system for some time now but you're not sure if you can install it yourself. Putting it together and running...